

GEOGRAFIA E ESTRATÉGIA. O interface entre a gestão estratégica e a geografia é matéria muito pouco explorada que talvez mereça maior atenção. Partindo duma interessante constação - "as we move into the 21st century, the world ever seems a smaller place - transportation costs continue to fall, fiber optic networks speed information around the planet, and corporations operate on a global scale. One might reasonably ask whether location really matters anymore. Despite these trends - perhaps because of them - the last few years have witnessed a rapid rise in interest in 'place' and 'space' across the social sciences. While the importance of distance declines, strategic interest in location appears greater than ever" - J.A.C. Baum e O. Sorenson organizam uma colectânea com vários artigos sugestivos como, por exemplo:

Strategic Management of Place. Managing knowledge spillovers: the role of geographic proximity (D.B. Audretsch)

Location and organizing strategy: exploring the influence of location on the organization of pharmaceutical research (J.L. Furman)

From conception to birth: opportunity perception and resource mobilization in entrepreneurship (J.B. Sorensen, O. Sorenson)

Hits and misses: managers' (mis)categorization of competitors in the Manhattan hotel industry (J.A.C. Baum, T.K. Lant)

Strategic Management of Space Interorganizational learning and the location of manufacturing subsidiaries: is chain migration also a corporate behavior? (P.V. Bastos, H.R. Greve)

Location choices under agglomeration externalities and strategic interaction (F. Flyer, J.M. Shaver)

Geography and marketing strategy in consumer packaged goods (B.J. Bronnenberg, P. Albuquerque)

Organization, evolution and performance in neighborhood-based systems (A. Lomi et al.)

The organizational advantage of nations: an ecological perspective on the evolution of the motorcycle industry in Belgium, Italy and Japan, 1898-1993 (F.C. Wezel, A. Lomi)

Emprender publicará amanhã um artigo de J. Cadima Ribeiro que contribui também para o debate sobre a importância do espaço na estratégia.
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