UM CONCEITO DE MARKETING. Conceptualizar o marketing é das matérias introdutórias de qualquer curso sobre o assunto e, simultaneamente, das mais delicadas. Ainda que muito discutível e discutido, aqui fica um clássico do conceito avançado por Arndt em 1978, com o qual aqui não se escondem simpatias: "Marketing is the social process consisting of the conception, planning, and implementation of the total set of activities undertaken as exchanges by individuals or organized groups of individuals being actors in the system, in order to bring about the satisfaction of consumer needs for economic goods and services, and the social and environmental effects of those activities" [Arndt, Johan (1978), "How Broad Should the Marketing Concept Be?", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 42, No. 1 (January), pp. 101-103].