
CARAVELAS. Barbara Czarniawska e Tor Hernes são os editores de Actor-Network Theory and Organizing (CBS Press, 2005). Na promoção do livro afirma-se que "Actor-Network Theory (ANT) is rapidly making its mark as a practical, challenging and intriguing tool for studying organization. Its unique approach to connecting people, artifacts, institutions and organizations enables it to shed light on complexities that so far have escaped works in organization theory. In this book a number of European and American scholars apply ANT in the study of various aspects of organization, including technology, organizational change, routines, virtual organization, strategy, power, market mechanisms, consumer behaviour, public administration and knowledge management." Uma outra referência constata que "Actor-Network Theory (ANT) started with stories about strange worlds inhabited by scallops, microbes or Portuguese caravels sharing their lives with human beings."
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