LER. Estes são os artigos mais lidos até ao momento da Strategic Organization:
- Terrie C. Reeves, Eric W. Ford, W. Jack Duncan, Peter M. Ginter: "Communication clarity in strategic management data sources"
- Hitoshi Mitsuhashi, Henrich R. Greve: "Powerful and Free: Intraorganizational Power and the Dynamics of Corporate Strategy"
- Arjen van Witteloostuijn, Christophe Boone, Arie van Lier: "Toward a Game Theory of Organizational Ecology: Production Adjustment Costs and Managerial Growth Preferences"
- Hongwei Xu, Martin Ruef : "The myth of the risk-tolerant entrepreneur"
- Gerald F. Davis, Mina Yoo, Wayne E. Baker: "The Small World of the American Corporate Elite, 1982-2001"