
NEW COMPETITION EM LISBOA. The New Competition: Challenges and Opportunities é assim que se chama a conferência que o Marketing Science Institute leva a cabo em Lisboa, em Setembro próximo. Apresenta-se nos seguintes termos: "The beginning of the 21st century has marked substantial changes in the competitive landscape worldwide. The expansion of free-trade zones, the massive outsourcing of supplies and labor, the appearance of basket currencies, and especially the spread of the Internet are some of the major facets of this change. MSI's conference on new competition and new opportunities will examine key aspects of marketing strategy that are affected by these changes. Specifically, the conference will explore: the need to redefine the role of traditional brands and channels in light of challenges from 'hard discounters,' private labels and new low-cost producers, and evolving new media; and new market opportunities presented by emerging geographic regions and demographic segments."
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