
Pequenos negócios 58

"Most employees rarely cause problems. Yet if you do not deal effectively with the few who violate rules and regulations, employees' respect for you will decline. Therefore, an effective disciplinary system that meets union and legal guidelines involves: i) Setting definite rules and seeing that employees know them. ii) Acting promptly on violations. iii) Gathering pertinent facts about violations. iv) Allowing employees an opportunity to explain their behavior. v) Setting up tentative courses of action and evaluating them. vi) Deciding what action to take. vii) Taking disciplinary action, while observing labor contact and EEO procedures. viii) Setting up and maintaining a record of actions taken and following up on the outcome. This type of discipline system follows the pattern established for judicial due process. The procedure should distinguish between major and minor offenses and consider extenuating circumstances, such as the employee's length of service, prior performance record, and the amount of time since the last offense."

Fonte: Emeritus, Leon C.. Megginson; Byrd, Mary Jane: Megginson, William L. (2003) Small Business Management: An Entrepreneur's Guidebook, McGraw-Hill Irwin, p. 269
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