
A família e a empresa

O Journal of Management Studies lançou um "call for papers" para um número especial dedicado à relação entre família e empresa, no original "The Family and Enterprise: Unpacking the Connections". O prazo de envio de artigos é 1 de Junho de 2007 e os editores são William Schulze (University of Utah) e Eric Gedajlovic (University of Connecticut). Eis as questões suscitadas para investigação:

  • What theories explain the types of organizational structures, business and corporate strategies and resource acquisition practices commonly utilized by family businesses?
  • How does the coupling of ownership and control in the hands of family members influence a firm's strategic objectives and behavior?
  • What explains the ability of family businesses to survive and thrive within and across diverse product markets and institutional contexts?
  • How does the reciprocal influence of family and business dynamics affect a firm's ability to develop and sustain rent-producing capabilities?
  • What are the competitive advantages and disadvantages of family businesses relative to other forms of business enterprise?
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