
A sociedade empreendedora

"In The Entrepreneurial Society, award-winning economist David B. Audretsch identifies the positive, proactive response to globalization: The Entrepreneurial Society, where change is the rule and routine work is inevitably outsourced.

Under the managed economy of the cold war era, government policies around the world supported big business, while small business was deemed irrelevant and largely ignored. The author documents the fundamental policy revolution currently underway.

As communities shift support to technology and knowledge-based entrepreneurship, the resulting startups have emerged as the driving force for economic growth and job creation. Universities have moved from the economic sidelines to a highly valued seedbed of new ideas with the potential to create not just breathtaking new ventures but also entire new industries.

By understanding and managing the shift from the managed economy to The Entrepreneurial Society, individuals, businesses, universities, and communities can learn how to proactively harness the opportunities afforded by globalization.

Welcome to The Entrepreneurial Society."

Mensagem electrónica de Prashanth Mahagaonkar, investigador do Max Planck Institute of Economics, insituição dirigida por David B. Audretsch, 29 de Maio de 2007
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