A NESTA, entidade britânica que apoia a ciência, tecnologia e arte realiza esta semana um seminário sugestivamente intitulado "Creating innovation: do the creative industries support innovation in the wider economy?" O seminário tem como ponto de partida o relatório com o mesmo título da autoria de Hasan Bakhshi, Eric McVittie e James Simmie. «The report presents evidence that supply chain linkages to the creative industries are positively related to innovation elsewhere in the economy, suggesting that the creative industries may play a more important role in the UK's ecology of innovation than has been recognised to date. What does this mean for creative industries and innovation policy? Do policymakers need to reconsider the frameworks on which they base creative industries and innovation policy? Are there examples where policy has succesfully supported linkages between creative businesses and firms in sectors traditionally seen as 'non-creative'?» Trata-se, enfim, dum trabalho de investigação que interessaria replicar na realidade portuguesa.