
Planeamento estratégico no sector público

It is organized around the five "A"s --key questions that determine the degree to which any government entity, or agency within it, can make changes as fast as the environment that surrounds it. Analysis -- Given the purpose of the organization, what are its key external relationships and internal readiness to meet its challenges, and what objective information supports the analysis? Alignment -- Does the leadership have a vision, set of values, mission and strategies for innovation and promoting learning and growth? Action -- Are program structures and internal action plans designed to fully incorporate enhanced human capital, revised work processes, and the creative use of technology? Accountability -- Has integrity been recognized, and have outcomes been clearly established in terms of overall objectives and specific goals tied to budgetary and other resources? Acceptance -- Do customers, employees, and the public value the outcomes achieved and agree with the methods inherent in creating and communicating the policies that are being implemented? In the Five Star model, when the answers to the five questions are reviewed within the context of key governmental processes (identified by italics above), a governance system can be developed that provides feedback loops and organizational learning in strategic planning. (Fonte: The Contemporary Consultant: Insights from World Experts. Ed. Larry Greiner, and Flemming Poulfelt. Louisville: South-Western, 2005. 197-198)

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