Acaba de ser publicado um dos melhores contributos conceptuais para compreender as estratégias de inovação. Modéstia à parte, o artigo de que sou co-autor em conjunto com Ana Faria e Natália Barbosa intitula-se "Firm growth and innovation: Towards a typology of innovation strategy" e saiu na revista Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice (2013, vol. 15, n. 1, pp. 97-111).
«This article discusses innovation across the firm’s life cycle. By discussing how firms’ innovation decisions change over time and across the different stages of firm growth, we add to the literature on innovation and strategy by proposing a typology of innovation strategy. In this original contribution, innovation strategies are categorized in terms of the type of innovation (product and process) and its degree of novelty (incremental and radical). Crossing these decisions we identify four innovation strategies: product development; learning by experience; discovery; and restructuring. In our integrative view of technological innovation and firm growth, we propose that each of the four innovation strategies develop over the firm’s growth stages (start-up, expansion, maturity, diversification, and exit), therefore making a conceptual contribution to our knowledge on innovation strategy. We conclude by suggesting further research on this topic.»