
Tópicos (23)

Edição especial prevista para a revista Technological Forecasting and Social Change subordinada ao tema genérico «smart retail settings». Os editores deste número da revista são Eleonora Pantano, Constantinos-Vasilios Priporas e Charles Dennis, todos eles da Middlesex University London.
«Managing Consumers' Dynamics within the Emerging Smart Retail Settings, Special issue of Technological Forecasting and Social Change. The suggested topics include, but are not limited to: understanding consumers behaviour within the new retail settings enriched with smart technologies; evolution of consumers behaviour and shift from a traditional retail environment to a smart technology-based one; changes in consumers’ dynamics concerning search, comparison, evaluation, consumption and post purchase behaviour, within the new technologies-mediated environment; qualitative and quantitative approaches to assess the value of the new shopping experiences influenced by the new technologies; strategic design and implementation of smart technologies for business value creation; methods and evaluations of retailers’ capacity of absorb smart technologies; sustainable evolution of retail practices according to the technology progress.»
Tópicos, pistas de investigação nas áreas de interesse do editor deste blogue
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